University Of Kelaniya Alumni Association
 New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory 

2019 Sinhala & Tamil New Year Celebrations

Our first celebration of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year was held at the Heritage Park Castle Hill.  We endeavored to follow the traditional customs as closely as possible starting with the ladies wearing cloth and jacket and the gents in sarong and shirt. 

Traditional Sri Lankan and Western, savory and sweet dishes were enjoyed by all who attended and they included Kribath with lunumiris, Konda Kavum, Mung ata Kavum, Kokis and Bibikkan, pastries and sandwiches.

Members of UKKANA , their families and friends, took part in games some of which are played during  Avurudu  celebrations in Sri Lanka and some slightly modernized to fit the current environment we live in.  There was Tug of War, placing the eye on the elephant, Piñata (kana mutti}, three-legged race, musical chairs and lime and spoon race.

Avurudu Kumari and Kumarya and Mr and Mrs UKKANA were selected by Judges appointed by the organizing committee.

The Celebrations ended with the distribution of prizes to those who won the competitive games and to Avurudu Kumari/Kumarya and Mr and Mrs UKKANA.

Going forward, it is planned to celebrate this important event annually.

- Manique Eswara-Aratchi

See the photos here

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